What do you think are the best places to read? My favorite place is definitely in bed. I have been reading before sleep since I was in my early teens and now I find it difficult to go to sleep if I haven’t read a few chapters of something. Reading is a wonderful way to escape from your daily grind. You can immerse yourself in a different world whether it’s science fiction, a bodice ripper of a romance or an autobiography of someone who fascinates you. Take a look at this list of the best places to read and be inspired to pick up a book. Let me know in the comments what is your favorite place to read.
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1. On a Walk
But not on a road with traffic!
2. Stretched out on the Floor
Until it gets too uncomfortable!
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3. In the Park
Books and fresh air – great combo!
4. On the Train
The journey passes quickly.
5. In Bed
The best place!
6. At the Beach
What’s a vacation without a good book?
7. In the Library
Oh, so quiet
8. In a Bookstore
So many choices
9. In a Favorite Armchair
Get comfy!
10. By the Fire
Because it’s so cozy
11. In the Pub
With a cold beer or a nice chilled wine
12. On a Plane
Pass the time away
13. On the Couch with Your Hunny
Love doing things together
14. In a Hammock
You can really get into the swing of things … groan!
15. Anywhere You Can Lean
A bit of support is always helpful.
16. In a Coffee Shop
Caffeine and books - yay!
17. In the Bath
Keep those pages dry.
18. At Your Desk
Forget the inbox.
19. On the Toilet
If you must!
20. On a Window Seat on a Rainy Day
Forget the weather.
21. In Jail
Well, you never know!