7 Lovely Books to Curl up with This Fall ...


What is it about the change of seasons that makes you want to hoard as many books for fall as possible? Maybe it’s the chilly weather, or the fact that everyone’s going back to school, or maybe it’s simply because some of the best books come out in the fall! Whether you’re looking for a classic fall read, or a few new books to check out when they’re released this autumn, these books for fall will be right up your alley!

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1. What Nora Knew by Linda Yellin

What Nora Knew by Linda Yellin If you love the fall settings in Nora Ephron’s classic romantic comedies, you'll especially love to see that brought back in Linda Yellin’s What Nora Knew. It is, without a doubt, one of my favorite books for fall. It’s like reading a romantic comedy with Nora Ephron references peppered throughout it. It’s the perfect fall read!

2. Not That Kind of Girl by Lena Dunham

Not That Kind of Girl by Lena Dunham Who doesn’t love a good memoir, especially one written by one of the funniest people out there right now? Lena Dunham released her memoir this fall, and it’s the perfect book to curl up with on a fall, weekend afternoon. Whether or not you’re a Lena Dunham mega-fan, you will probably love this book!

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THIS is WHERE I LEAVE YOU If you haven’t seen this movie yet, you must read the book. If you have seen the movie, you still must read the book. This is Where I Leave You was adapted into a movie this fall, starring Jason Bateman, Tina Fey, Jane Fonda, and a plethora of other stars. It’s one of the best family “dramedies” that have been released in years, so the book is a must-read, whether or not you’ve seen the movie yet!

4. Yes Please by Amy Poehler

Yes Please by Amy Poehler If you’ve read Mindy Kaling’s memoir, you probably remember her anecdote about “the moment you fall in love with Amy Poehler.” If you haven’t had that moment yet, you probably will after reading her memoir, Yes Please. It’s not due to be released until late fall, but regardless, it’s a must-read this fall!

5. The Best of Me by Nicholas Sparks

The Best of Me by Nicholas Sparks If you didn’t read this book after it was released a few years ago, this is your last chance before the movie comes out! It’s your typical Nicholas Sparks book, and I don’t think much more explanation is necessary! It seems like the movie is pretty similar to the book, so it’s definitely worth a read before you see the movie!

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6. Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell

Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell I’m not sure what rock you’re living under if you haven’t heard of this book, but it’s probably a rock that is very far-removed from popular YA fiction. Whether you’re an adult or a teenager, this is a book that you must read this fall. I guarantee that you will love it, regardless of your age.

7. Girl Online by Zoe Sugg

Girl Online by Zoe Sugg Depending on which country you live in, Girl Online may not be available until it’s nearly winter. If you’re one of the lucky countries that gets Zoe Sugg’s debut novel while it’s still fall, enjoy it for the rest of us. Whether you’re a member of Team Internet or have never heard of Zoe Sugg, this book is one that you must check out!

What are your recommendations for books this fall? Will you check any of these out? Give me some suggestions in the comments!

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Amy Poehler and Nicolas Sparks are my favorites!

#6 is honestly a great book.. I would recommend it to anyone. If you have a weekend or some free time it's a great book! About a girls first love and what she's been through.. Totally worth it!

I wish you could have added a super quick short summary about each book instead of just writing must read on all.

I agree with you Bianca, I ended the article thinking; And what are this books about?

None of these books look remotely interesting. Some people like to read real books not Nicolas Sparks or whatever

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