If you're anything like me, you've probably come up with a dozen reasons to buy a Kindle, but then felt bad afterwards. For ages I toyed with the idea, worrying that it would mean the end of 'real' books and that I would no longer be able to enjoy whole afternoons spent wandering around my local bookshop. But the truth is, e-books and paperback books can live side by side, in an ideal world, and for me the Kindle, whilst a nifty little device, will never fully replace a 'real' book - I'll always read both. Here are 7 reasons to buy a Kindle - owning one will change your life!
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1. Travelling is Easier
One of my top reasons to buy a Kindle was how easy they are to use when travelling. Being a fast reader, I often get through 2-3 books during a fortnight long break abroad, and my bag was often filled with heavy paperback books on trips home to Scotland. This way, I can have all the books I'll ever need without any of the added weight - and I never need to worry about running out of reading material, as I can download new books no matter where I am!
2. Reading without Your Glasses Just Became Simple
I usually take my glasses off (or contact lenses out) to read at night and have often found myself straining to read small print, holding the book far too close to my face. With Kindle, you can adjust the text size to suit you - I usually make it larger if I'm reading in bed, and set it back to standard size during the day.
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3. There's No Need to Disturb Others at Night
If you share a bed (or a room) with someone else, turning on the light to read can keep them awake. With the new Kindle Paperwhite, there's a built-in light, so you can read all night long without worrying about disturbing other people - brilliant! OIder Kindle versions don't have a built-in light, so make sure you buy the newest model if this is a feature you'll use.
4. Books Are Cheaper
Ok, so not all e-books are cheaper than 'real' books, but I've discovered quite a few titles that are significantly cheaper or on offer in the Kindle store, compared to buying a paperback copy on Amazon. Because I'm a fast reader, this is saving me loads of money, and I never run out of stuff to read!
5. You'll Discover New Authors
Since I got my Kindle, I have discovered loads of books I never would have found otherwise. Kindle daily deals and other offers on the latest titles have led me to read books by new, up and coming authors, some of which have been amazing, and some not so great! Owning a Kindle is a great way to read more often and more widely - I've read across a variety of genres where previously I would mostly read crime fiction.
6. You're Never without a Good Book
If you're a fast reader, you'll know how frustrating it can be waiting for new books to arrive from Amazon. You always need to be organized, ordering books in plenty of time for your holidays, and if you run out of something to read, you're often tempted to spend more than you would online on a book at your local store. With Kindle, you can download books instantly, so even if you run out of reading material on your holiday, you can get new books straight away (provided you have an Internet connection)
7. You'll Feel More Relaxed
Research shows that reading is one of the best ways to relax and unwind, which can help aid a restful night's sleep. With my Kindle, I read more often and more widely, and I now read before sleeping rather than watching television. Because Kindles have such long battery life, you don't need to worry about charging them every 5 minutes, and you can pick up your Kindle for a quick spot of reading whenever the mood strikes you.
Some people will still face a moral dilemma when it comes to buying a Kindle or other e-reader, but if you're a book lover, owning one really will change your life. There will never be any substitute for an afternoon rummaging around your favorite book store or hunting for best sellers in your local library, but a Kindle opens up new avenues of reading, lets you discover new authors and enables you to read at anytime, anywhere. Do you own a Kindle or other e-reader, and if so, what do you think of it?
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