If you haven't had a peek at some of the titles from the #RuinANovelWithSocialMedia hashtag, you're really missing out, my fellow book lovers! Here are a few of the best (or worst?) new novels, forever spoilt by social media.
Snapshot Survey
Snapshot Survey
1. Gatsby?
The Great G@sby #RuinaNovelwithSocialMedia
— Ilana Turner (@itoverdrive) September 24, 2015
2. It's True
A Good Man Is Hard to Vine #RuinaNovelwithSocialMedia
— Electric Literature (@ElectricLit) September 24, 2015
3. Call Me Who Now?
Moby-Dick Pic #RuinANovelWithSocialMedia
— EmilEEEEEEEEEE! (@emilyhughes) September 24, 2015 This one's my favorite!
4. Swipe Left
Tinder is the Night #RuinaNovelwithSocialMedia
— Charlie of DEAAATH (@ComicsisPeople) September 24, 2015
5. We're All Prisoners, Aren't We?
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Instagram #RuinaNovelwithSocialMedia
— Stuart Fitzwilliam (@ComicsAndNoir) September 24, 2015
6. I Loved That Game, Though
Animal FarmVille #RuinaNovelwithSocialMedia
— Amy Denim (@AmyDenim) September 24, 2015
7. So It's a Comedy Now?
LOLita #ruinanovelwithsocialmedia
— Electric Literature (@ElectricLit) September 24, 2015
8. MySpace...?
The MySpace Between Us #RuinANovelWithSocialMedia
— Iris Blasi (@IrisBlasi) September 24, 2015
9. Judy Blume's Classic
Are you there God, It's Meme, Margaret. #RuinaNovelwithSocialMedia
— Crutnacker (@Crutnacker) September 24, 2015
10. When Gramma Does Restaurant Reviews
Old Yelper #RuinaNovelwithSocialMedia
— Ilana Turner (@itoverdrive) September 24, 2015
11. Banned Book
The Captcha in the Rye #RuinaNovelwithSocialMedia
— Dovil (@Dovil) September 25, 2015
12. Ugh, Don't Feed Them
— Always David Hahn™ (@David_Hahn) September 24, 2015
13. I Would Totally Read That
— Dara Hyde (@dzhyde) September 24, 2015
14. Fascinating
Memoirs of a Grindr. #RuinaNovelwithSocialMedia #Iamdone
— Jason McGOREmick (@JasonBMcCormick) September 24, 2015
15. Giggle!
Lady Snapchatterly's Lover. #RuinaNovelwithSocialMedia
— Christopher Golden (@ChristophGolden) September 24, 2015
16. Not Nearly as Tragic
Charlotte's Webinar #RuinANovelWithSocialMedia
— Penguin Random House (@penguinrandom) September 24, 2015
17. Thumbs up!
Like in the Time of Cholera #RuinaNovelwithSocialMedia
— CabinBoy (@cabinboy100) September 24, 2015
18. I Can?
YouTube Can Have a Body Like Mine #RuinaNovelwithSocialMedia cc @AlexKleeman
— Celeste Ng (@pronounced_ing) September 24, 2015
19. Frighteningly Accurate
Nineteen eighty four square #ruinanovelwithsocialmedia
— joy hunter (@joy_hunter_) September 24, 2015 Seriously, check out this hashtag now! So funny!
h/t: buzzfeed.com
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