7 Insanely Inspiring Books for Girls Who Need to Kickstart Their Creativity ...


7 Insanely Inspiring Books for Girls Who Need to Kickstart Their Creativity ...
7 Insanely Inspiring Books for Girls Who Need to Kickstart Their Creativity ...

There are plenty of books about creativity that you are left with no choice but to read all of them and check which among them inspire you. Right? Wrong! You can always post in literary forums or ask friends what they think about these books and then, decide if you ever want to grab copies of them and go on a reading binge. I'm not into long lists so here are my suggestions on books about creativity that may (or may not) inspire you to be better in what you do (or not do):

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1. The Elements of Style

The Elements of Style amazon.com
A priest who gave this to me as a gift on my 18th birthday called this a "bible for anyone who writes and who wants to write". This book written by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White is that and more. The original version was composed in 1918 but it's still one of the books about creativity that teaches us about how to write and read good English.

2. Six Thinking Hats

Six Thinking Hats amazon.com
Ever wonder how your brain thinks? Or how you think in so many different ways that you wonder how, in heaven's name, can you still function well? Edward De Bono's Six Thinking Hats delves into this process by assigning colors to your brain's six distinct directions. How about blue for managing, white for information, or red for emotion? Plus black for discernment, yellow for optimistic response, and green for creativity! Interesting? Go, get a copy!

3. The Writing Life

The Writing Life amazon.com
How many books do you need to read to be better in what you do? The answer: NONE! Books, like The Writing Life, are here to help you become better but they are not solely responsible for your success. The Writing Life is a collection of essays by a teacher/writer named Anne Dillard. It's a book that can be read by writers and non-writers alike. Think The Elements of Style with soul and spirit...

4. Thinking Fast and Slow

Thinking Fast and Slow amazon.com
When I moved to China, I became part of a book club that introduced me to so many books whose authors I didn't know. Daniel Kahneman was one of them. Thinking Fast and Slow is a book that at its core discusses two manners of thinking (as the title suggests). System 1 is fast and emotional and System 2 is slow and logical. Written by the winner of a Nobel Prize for Economics, this book is not your average Sunday read so brace yourself for a lot of thinking!

5. Taming Your Gremlin

Taming Your Gremlin amazon.com
All of us have that self-defeating voice inside that discourages us from moving forward. In this book, Rick Carson gives us a "surprisingly simple way to get out of our own way" by taking the very first step: simply notice that your gremlin exists. The other steps are all in the book and they are pretty easy to digest. If you want to have a dose of them, a copy is only a few clicks away.

6. The War of Art

The War of Art amazon.com
Reading geeks know about Sun Tzu's "The Art of War", but this one from Steven Pressfield interchanged the placement of two words and created a book that discussed ways on how to win over your creative inner battles. There is a force called resistance and we all want to be free of it. Pressfield goes through the creative process and gives us his own narrative of how he too was able to overcome his own "resistance".

7. The Book of Doing

The Book of Doing amazon.com
Written by Allison Arden, this one is a collection of ideas and activities that anyone can do to unleash their creative self. The notion that you have no time to do the things that you love is non-existent here and you will be considered an outcast if you ever mention it. In this book, you will be asked the questions: "What do you want to do? What's stopping you from doing it?"

I am sure there are a million shelves filled with books that tackles creativity and you know some more of them. Care to share those titles with me?

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Wonderful! I can't wait to get started. Thank you so much.

Big Magic is another good book

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