7 Aisles of the Bookstore to Peruse ...


7 Aisles of the Bookstore to Peruse ...
7 Aisles of the Bookstore to Peruse ...

There are certain aisles of the bookstore that are downright neglected. Some of them are categories you may never have heard of before, and some you have never considered approaching. Whatever your multitude of interests are, there are aisles of the bookstore to satisfy them. However, why not search outside of your comfort zone? Isn't one of the best things about reading the ability to learn something new? Open your noggin and let the experiences of others spend some time in the space for an afternoon!

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1. Crafts and Hobbies

Whether you see yourself as a 'Don't-Do-It-Your-Selfer,' or you are a magnificent safety pinner and masking tape artist, you may be surprised at the types of activities you will find in the craft and hobby aisle. It may bring to mind a fixer up job at home you've been putting off or one you're not sure how to get started, or it may make your creative juices run to try something completely out of your element in one of the most productive aisles of the bookstore!

2. Children's Books

How many times have you said in your life that Dr. Seuss really had it going on? Is Shel Silverstein still one of your heroes? There are many lessons that can be learned and remembered by looking at children's books. Not only are they short reads, but many are worthwhile morals of the story, often with absolutely beautiful illustrations.

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3. Humor

The days of the humor section of the library only being about Sunday comic strips turned in to full-length works is done. Nowadays, the humor section is filled with every type of humor from A-Z and G-XXX you can think of. When you need a break the stresses of studying for your GRE, or doing research for a report at work, go to the humor section and read the author of your choice. Some are oldies but goodies, and some you have never heard of before. You may just find a new comedic best friend in this aisle!

4. Local Interests

You may think you know everything there is to know about your city or town. But is that even possible? While you know approximately when it was founded and for what reason, and perhaps even a few of the key players, do you truly know the stories behind the city? What were some of the family stories behind the founders? Some of the struggles of getting your town established? Some of the haunted history of your corner of the world? Whatever your interest in this aisle of the bookstore will give you a peek inside your own corner of the world.

5. Science

There is more to science than just beakers. Think of almost anything that is going on in the world today, and science may play some part in it. From the foods we eat to our weather to what is going on in governments around the world, science plays a part, and someone is writing something about it. Just try not to have any bad flashbacks to 9th grade chemistry! Peruse the aisle and see if there is something that catches your eye and expands your horizon!

6. Investing

There are few drier subjects for most people than talking about money. But some of the simplified books can turn it into a personal thing. You may not care what the stock market is doing or how to use options to your advantage, but finding out how you can take steps to afford the vacation of your dreams or help your child to go to college may spur your interest. Take a walk down this aisle and you may hear the jingle jangle of extra cash in your pocket.

7. Food and Cooking

Are you one who feels like any recipe you could ever want is online? While this may be true, there is something about seeing big pictures of beautiful food sitting in your hands as you flip through the pages and read the words of your favorite chef. There may be things in this aisle which you would not have thought to look up online. Did you know there could be gluten-free, sugar-free, dairy-free food that intrigues you? Did you know that there are books on Portuguese pastries? Looking is guaranteed not to add calories to your diet, although it may give you some of the same satisfaction!

Bookstores are a national treasure for the body, mind, and spirits. Exploring these to their full extent not only expands your horizons, it enriches your life! What is your favorite section of your local bookstore?

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