Maybe you love creating short stories and poetry in your free time. Maybe you just want to enhance your essay writing abilities. Either way, here are a few infographics that'll help you improve your writing:
Snapshot Survey
Snapshot Survey
1. 8 Secrets to Writing Faster Blog Posts
If you want other people to view your blog, you need to keep up with it. This infographic will give you tips on how to stick to your deadlines, so that your readers remain happy.
2. Effective Web Writing
If you're posting your writing online, you need to make it appear interesting. Otherwise, no one is even going to click on the link.
3. SEO Copywriting
If you don't know the first thing about SEO, then you need to take a look at this infographic. It'll show you how to write something that humans want to read and that Google will draw attention to.
4. Why I'm Not Getting Any Writing Done
Every writer can relate to this miniature quiz. Of course, it should open your eyes and make you see how silly you are for procrastinating. That means you should start typing!
5. How to Write an Essay like the Pros
If you're struggling to get through high school or college, this should help. It'll remind you that you need to stick to the topic, plan out what you're going to write before you write it, and check for proper spelling and grammar.
6. The Sources in Student Writing
This gives you a little bit of information on academic writing. It shows you where students get the majority of their information from.
7. 13 Steps to Writing Better Content
This little flow chart will ask you a series of important questions, like who your target audience is. Knowing the answers to those types of questions is incredibly important if you wish to succeed.
8. Resume Tips
If you really want to land a job, it helps to have a killer resume. Follow these tips, like capturing the reader's attention right away and establishing your credibility.
9. Do's and Don'ts for Writing Survey Questions
If you ever need to create a survey, there are some guidelines you have to follow. This infographic explains them all.
10. You Are What You Write
The most cited websites are exactly what you'd think they are. They're popular ones like Wikipedia and Yahoo, even though they're user-generated websites.
11. Write Your Paper like a Pro
This venn diagram makes writing essays look simple, don't you think?
12. How to Write an in-Class Essay
Writing an essay inside of the classroom is completely different than writing one at home. If you struggle to do the former, then this might help you out.
13. 15 Most Misspelled Words
If you want to look educated, you can't misspell words. Take a look at this chart to see if you make any of these common mistakes.
14. People with Strong Writing Skills
If you're a good writer, you could end up with a great job and a high salary. Doesn't that motivate you to improve your writing skills?
15. Ten Common Writing Mistakes
Don't use "who" when you're supposed to use "which." If you're not sure what the difference is, this chart will let you know.
16. How to Write the Intro of an Essay
The intro of your essay is one of the most important parts. It sets the tone for the entire paper.
17. 10 Steps to Becoming a Better Writer
This might sound obvious, but it's valuable advice. Make sure you take it to heart.
If you follow the advice in these infographics, you'll become a better writer in no time. What's your favorite thing to write?
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