7 Ways to Resolve to Read More This Year ...

By Marie

7 Ways to Resolve to Read More This Year ...

Want some ways to resolve to read more this year? Reading in this day and age can sometimes be swept under the rug and forgotten. Having a checklist of books to read this year will help motivate you to read in 2018. Expand your horizons and open a book in each of these 7 categories. Each of these fantastic ideas is one of the best ways to resolve to read more this year.

1 Read a Book before You See the Movie

Ready Player One, A Wrinkle in Time, Peter Rabbit, Fifty Shades Freed, 12 Strong, Every Day, The War with Grandpa, and many other novels are being adapted into film this year. Before you head to the movie theater or the Redbox, read the book so you are educated in spotting the differences between the adaptations. That's one of the best ways to resolve to read more this year.

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2 Read a Childhood Favorite

Go back in time and pick up novels like Harry Potter, The Uglies, The Princess Diaries, or even Clifford the Big Red Dog. Reading a blast from the past will help you remember why you started to love reading in the first place.

3 Read a Debut Novel

New authors are starting 2018 strong. A.J. Finn’s The Woman in the Window is an exceptional read that is suspenseful and full of surprises. Do your research and get in on your new favorite author right away.

4 Read a Book Set in Every Continent

Traveling the world is pretty expensive - surprise, surprise. Reading will help you travel while sitting in your bed. Reading a book set in every continent will help fulfill your travel dreams and inspire you to book flights to experience these cultures first hand.

5 Read Four Different Genres

We can get trapped into reading the same genre every time we pick up a book. Expanding your horizons by picking up genres outside of your comfort zone will help you stay excited about reading and expanding your perspective.

6 Read a Biography of One of Your Favorite Role Models

Learning about the life of one of your favorite celebrities or historical figures can motivate your own life. Seeing their highs and lows will help you understand that their life isn’t perfect, just like your life isn’t perfect.

7 Read a Classic Novel That You’ve Lied about Reading

We’ve all done it - lied to a professor, to a coworker, even to a Buzzfeed quiz. This is the year when you put the lie to rest, and I promise you that you will feel a huge sense of achievement once you’ve completed the novel.

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