Make the Most of Your Creative Writing Course to Be a Better Writer ...


Make the Most of Your Creative Writing Course to Be a Better Writer ...
Make the Most of Your Creative Writing Course to Be a Better Writer ...

If you're thinking of improving your writing in a more formal environment then there are a few ways to make the most of your creative writing course that I would like to share. Creative writing courses are great fun. After all, you're learning more about what you love with like-minded people. There are however, a few ways to ensure you pick the right creative writing course and make the most out of the experience.

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1. Do Your Research

One of the tips is about choosing the right creative writing course for you. There are so many out there, ranging from the informal evening class to the more serious master's degrees. Whatever it is you would like to achieve through it, the key is to do your research. There are some questions you may want to ask yourself. For example, what do you want to get from the course, how much time can you realistically commit to it, are you willing to travel and do you prefer face to face learning or distance learning?

2. Make a Visit

The next step is to go and visit the place. You will need to see if it's somewhere you can access easily, whether there is parking and whether they have facilities to meet your needs and requirements. It's also a good idea to speak to one of the tutors beforehand if you can. After all, you're investing your time and money and you're well within your rights to ask questions to ensure the course is really right for you.

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3. Arrive on Time

So, you've found the perfect class, you're booked on and you have all your new bright and shiny stationery for the weeks ahead, which is the best thing about starting a new course. Make sure you arrive on time and if you can, get there early so that you're in the right frame of mind to start, rather than being late and flustered because you couldn't find a parking space.

4. Take a Pal

If you have taken a break from education then returning to the classroom can sometimes be scary. If you're nervous then you may want to see if a like-minded friend would like to do the course with you, that way you have someone who can motivate you when you really don't feel like going.

5. It's Good to Talk

Starting a course with people you don't know can be nerve-wracking but chances are, everyone is feeling the same. Remember, you're on the same course because you all have something in common: your love and passion for writing. Introduce yourself and the conversations will flow in no time.

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6. Don't Worry

If you're an adult who is returning to the classroom, it's natural to feel trepidatious. You will find that the experience of adult studies is quite different to studying in your youth. You know what you want now and you're less likely to get distracted by all those things like in your youth. Don't be afraid to ask for help and take all the support given.

7. Keep on Top of It

Of course, you're excited and keen to get started but going back to the classroom will involve a commitment from you. The novelty of a new course will soon wear off and the reality of serious study will set in as there will be a workload which you will need to keep on top of. This is particularly true if it's a course which is going to lead to a qualification. Don't let the work mount up and be sure to allocate a time each week to get your writing and research done.

8. Celebrate Your Weaknesses

Of course, you will want to promote your strengths but you should also work on your weaknesses; that's why you're there. You obviously have many skills where creative writing is concerned but you will also have areas you want to develop so put your efforts into developing your skills in these areas. Speak to people in your class who seem to be strong in an area that you find tricky to master. They will be able to share their expertise with you and you will be able to offer your expertise in return.

9. Give It a Chance

Make sure you give the course a chance. It's surprising how many people give up after the first few weeks because it wasn't what they expected. Give it some time and speak to your tutor if you have any concerns. They may be able to tell if it's truly not for you or whether you just haven't given it enough time yet.

Whatever course you're embarking on this year, remember to have fun. Has anyone been on a creative writing course? Perhaps you're planning on starting one. I'd love to hear.

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