9 Best Vegan Books That Have All the Info You Might Ever Need ...

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9 Best Vegan Books That Have All the Info You Might Ever Need ...

If you’re considering a vegan diet, I’d suggest you check out some of the best vegan books to read on your new, exciting journey. Choosing a vegan lifestyle is one of the best things you can do for yourself, the planet, and animals who suffer every single day. It’s not only a compassionate choice, but also a healthy one. No matter what you’d like to learn about a vegan diet, some of the best vegan books out there can help you out. Plus they have some pretty delicious eats in them, so you’ll never be without something tasty to eat!

1 Veganist

Veganist On Amazon at: amazon.com

Kathy Freston is a vegan all-star and has written a couple of the best vegan books on the market, including the Instant New York Times Bestseller, Veganist. Veganist is a go-to guide and inspirational “bible,” if you will, for anyone who wants to go vegan and needs someone to show them the way. Veganist is filled with information, recipes, proven health benefits, testimonies, and incredibly helpful day-to-day tips and suggestions.

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2 The Lean

The Lean On Amazon at: amazon.com

For anyone looking to lose weight on a vegan diet, Kathy Freston’s latest book The Lean is your answer. Published in 2012, The Lean shows people how to start a vegan diet when they’re looking to lose weight but unsure of how to embrace a 100% vegan diet. She shows her audience that it’s all about “leaning in” a vegan lifestyle so it doesn't seem overwhelming. It's a must-read if you love health, good food, and want to drop weight in a sustainable way.

3 Color Me Vegan

Color Me Vegan On Amazon at: amazon.com

Colleen Patrick-Goudreau is a bestselling vegan author, speaker, and wellness expert whose latest book, The 30 Day Vegan Challenge, sold out in every single print copy because it was so popular. One of her earlier books, Color Me Vegan, is one of my personal favorites for learning easy dishes to prepare in the kitchen from real, whole foods. Whether you’re looking for tasty vegan burgers, vegan desserts, or scrumptious side dishes, Color Me Vegan has something for you. It’s also packed with information about healthy ingredients and the benefits of choosing a whole foods vegan lifestyle.

4 Forks over Knives

Forks over Knives On Amazon at: amazon.com

Forks Over Knives became an instant revelation four years ago and was later made into a film, it was so popular. Written by two distinguished medical doctors, Dr. T. Colin Campbell M.D. and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn M.D., the book proves the benefits of eating a whole foods vegan diet through medical studies. Campbell and Esselstyn give inspiration, medical facts, and easy-to-follow recipes for anyone looking to go vegan that wants a complete nutritional guideline to follow.

5 The Engine 2 Diet

The Engine 2 Diet On Amazon at: amazon.com

The Engine 2 Diet was published in 2009 when a team of firefighters from Austin, Texas, decided to go plant-based for 28 days to improve their health. They all lost weight, their cholesterol dropped, their blood sugar improved, and they saw greater endurance and energy. They decided to write the book The Engine 2 Diet and I’m so glad they did- it is filled with tons of information backing a plant-based diet and easy tips on cooking plant-based meal when you’re new to the lifestyle. Their recipes are some of my very favorites. Vegan sweet potato lasagna, anyone?

6 How to Be Vegan

How to Be Vegan On Amazon at: amazon.com

Elizabeth Castoria’s book, How to Be Vegan, is an awesome guide to learning everything plant-based- both inside and outside the kitchen. She not only gives helpful resources for learning how to read labels to spot animal ingredients on items like vitamins and supplements, but even includes helpful tips about how to shop for vegan clothing, bedding, beauty products, and more. If you want to truly live a vegan life and not just eat a vegan diet, this is the book for you.

7 Vegan for Life

Vegan for Life On Amazon at: amazon.com

Written by dietitian Jack Norris R.D. and Virginia Messina, M.P.H, R.D., this is another must-have vegan manual for learning about nutrients in a plant-based diet, meal prep tips, and easy recipes. It’s a great handbook for anyone who wants to learn about the full spectrum of going vegan for life, not just what you’ll be eating for dinner. It covers all the bases and is one of the most popular vegan books on the market today.

8 Choosing Raw

Choosing Raw On Amazon at: amazon.com

Choosing Raw is a new book by Gena Hamshaw, author of the wildly popular vegan blog, Choosing Raw. Gena is a certified clinical nutritionist and a nutritional counselor. She emphasizes a whole foods vegan diet and incorporating simple raw plant foods into your diet as much as possible. Gena’s book, Choosing Raw, is great for anyone who wants unique, easy, and delicious recipes that aren’t just vegan, but high-raw too.

9 The Oh She Glows Cookbook

The Oh She Glows Cookbook On Amazon at: amazon.com

Angela Liddon is the author of one of the most popular vegan blogs on the web, Oh She Glows. Angela's first cookbook was an instant number one bestseller and is now one of the most highly sought-after cookbooks on Amazon. Filled with over 100 delicious recipes and nutritional information about a vegan diet, The Oh She Glows Cookbook will charm you into eating vegan foods without missing a beat.

No matter if you’re vegan or you’re just curious about a vegan diet, definitely check out some of these books. I have a feeling you’ll not only be well fed but inspired beyond belief. Have you read any of these vegan books? If so, which one’s your favorite?

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